Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ehsan & EarthQuake

Dear All*,

Yesterday afternoon as most of you may know, occurred an earthquake of 5.9 in Qom & Tehran. Fortunately, there were no major damages yet it brings the discussion of series of 'what-ifs' back to the front burner. Earthquakes have always been the fragile fear of most Tehranians. It had been long known that the city I love so much could turn into history with just a moderate quake of earth…. There would be huge fires, Flood & a lot of souls will be lost not only due to the quake itself but due to diseases, infections, starvation, and just over all condition of aftermath! Long is the time we have learned that there is no security, no hope for survival, no one to call for when the time comes that mother nature wants to show some power. (The Famine desire to ruin can get very violent, you know.) & it is general knowledge that we are going to lose everything (& I mean EVERYTHING)… basically because Tehran, the beloved city, is the foundation of every source… information, goods, power… no other city will ever be able to replace the loss of the Capital, the Brain, the Heart of Iran.

What has earthquake got to do with Systemic Approach? Hmm, good question… on the surface, nothing…. The motive behind writing this is about the co-incident of Mister Ehsan's presentation on 'Tehran Earthquake' & the occurrence of it. However, on a deeper level, it is bound to the systemic approach: Tehran is a star among the galaxy… it is part of the organism… the system… the world…. Anything that affects one tiny part will result in a major change in the system eventually. It's the butterfly effect. Everything as ONE whole being….

As I mentioned before, Mister Ehsan has done a research on Tehran Earthquake. He had kindly provided me the file of presentation which I will upload to 4shared sometime soon & we had a brief chat over it. In the suggestion boxes he had offered a few nice tips I would like to share here:

l Tehran should be redesigned and reconstructed in order to earthquake management.

l Most important and vital information should not only be at Tehran.

l Tehran citizens should be taught how to face the earthquake.

l No nuclear activity should be near Tehran municipality because of any unwanted reaction could increase elastic strain in a rock that causes them to undergo a dilatency state; which is an inelastic increase in volume that starts after the stress on a rock reaches one-half its breaking strength.

While the first suggestion is somewhat the most critical one, my personal idea tends to put more force on the third issue. That's the easiest, most accessible one & honestly, if we don't care about ourselves, no one else does! & that, right there, leads us to the discussion of individualism culture in Iran.

To the next topic,

Lou. Sh.

*(Well, I like the phrase Mr. Gharib uses! What can I say? I'm a pathetic loser! :D )

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